Monday, September 30, 2013


As reported in Sinchew Daily


  • 贊助單位代表(後排)在新聞發佈會上移交模擬支票給紅新月會;前排左一起是曹添寶、楊明絨、黃漢偉、邱金枝和蔡志強。(圖:星洲日報)







As reported in Sinchew Daily



  • 黃漢偉針對2005年在檳城推行的電子土地系統出現紕漏事項,召見土地局官員,尋求官員解釋。(圖:星洲日報)



公賬委員會主席黃漢偉說,當局針對電子化系統執行土地申請手續的9項功能中,其中5項出現紕漏,包括部份程序仍以人手操作(manual operation)事件,已傳召威南和威北土地局官員哈惹羅海妮和沙奧達向公賬委員會解釋。



黃漢偉解釋,電子土地系統的應用範圍共有9項,可處理多達85項事務,分別是土地注冊 (Pendaftaran)、土地發展(Pembangunan Tanah)、土地出售(Pelupusan Tanah)、同意書(Consent)、土地收益(Hasil Tanah)、土地征用(Pengambilan Tanah)、地契(Hakmilik Strata)、執法(Penguatkuasaan)及拍賣(Lelong)。













PAC Penang: e-Tanah probe begins

e-Tanah probe begins

GEORGE TOWN (Sept 25, 2013): The Penang Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has begun an inquiry into the RM66 million e-Tanah facility, a computerised land administration and management system, as only four of the nine programme modules are up and running.

State PAC chairman Wong Hon Wai said the federal funded pilot project started in 2005 but only the revenue, strata title, registration and consent modules were working.

He said problems encountered with the land development, land disposal, land acquisition, and enforcement and auction modules were highlighted in the 2011 Auditor-General's Report.

"We are duty bound to investigate anything pointed out in the audit report. The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources project did not pass the integrity, economy, effectiveness and efficiency (IEEE) tests
which were the terms outlined by the state PAC in conducting their tasks," Wong said after chairing this term's first PAC meeting yesterday.

In the meeting, State Land and Mines Office director Datuk Arifin Awang, South and North Seberang Perai district officers Rohani Hassan and Shadah Nawawi were called to give their statements.

According to the e-Tanah portal, the system was to handle the administration and management of land offices, with Penang chosen as the state for the pilot project.

Last updated in 2009, the FAQ portion of the portal stated that there were 72,160 transactions and some RM385 million in revenue collected.

Wong said the PAC will be tabling a report and the recommended solutions on the matter in a future session of the state legislative assembly.

"Some of the issues we are looking for are possible leakages in the procurement process as well as loopholes," he said.

As reported in Buletin Mutiara

GEORGE TOWN, Sept 25 — The Penang Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has kicked off its probe on the RM66 million e-Tanah land administration system, a ministry-approved project that was meant to be fully operational by 2007.
PAC chairman Wong Hon Wai said the system was implemented in Penang as a pilot project and the computerised system was supposed to replace all manual documentation and paperwork in relations to the work processes of the state Lands and Mines Department.
“The Auditor-General’s Report for 2011 had pointed out the faults in the system in which out of nine modules in the system, only four were fully operational while the other five were not operational and does not cater to the needs of the department,” he told a press conference today after chairing Penang PAC’s first meeting.
The RM66 million e-Tanah system was originally designed to be a fully-computerised land administration system for the state Land and Mines Department by the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry.
“Despite the implementation of the computerised system, some processes are still being done manually because the relevant modules were not operational in the system,” Wong said.
The PAC will be inviting the e-Tanah taskforce to give their input into the issues that were causing the faults in the system.
“We have already invited the South Seberang Perai district officer Rohani Hasan, North Seberang Perai district officer Saodah Nawawi and the Land and Mines Department director Datuk Ariffin Awang to give their input,” he said.
The five faulty modules had been upgraded several times but Wong claimed that despite the upgrades, these were still faulty and could not be used so the Land and Mines Department is still using the manual processing methods.
The five modules cover areas such as land development, enforcement and auction, land disposal and land acquisition.
“The development of this electronic system involved the use of public money so PAC will investigate this by calling in all the related parties to get their input and statements on why the system failed and also find ways to rectify it,” he said.
The PAC will be holding monthly and bi-monthly meetings in investigating this issue and hopes to reach a conclusion with a way to resolve the issue by end of next year.
- See more at:
Penang PAC investigates faulty e-Tanah system
Penang PAC investigates faulty e-Tanah system